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January 22nd

January 22nd

Celebrate Chinese new year with Hayo’u Body Oil

Today, you have a lovely oil to tantalise your senses by putting a few drops into your palm, warming by vigorously rubbing your hands together, before massaging in slowly but deeply. But this is merely a drop in the ocean of Chinese medicine. We love this ancient healing system at Onolla because nature is the leading light in this system. 

Gua sha is a big part of the Chinese medicine self care philosophy,
watch this frown removing video (that involves a jade crystal not botox!) from Katie Brindle an acclaimed Chinese medicine practitioner and the fabulous founder of Hayo'u Method, a simple, but profoundly effective series of self-treatments comprising of tools and easy one-minute techniques.

This magic wand of gua sha, the Jade Precision Tool is designed to target problem areas with pinpoint accuracy around your eyes and lips reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improving circulation and lymphatic drainage. reduces I also reduces inflammation and cools the skin being 100% Xiuyin Jade gua sha, suits all skin types and can be used at any time of day or night.

Shop Hayo’u gua sha tools Now