Giving yourself time and space with...
Therapie Protect Bath & Body Oil
Our bodies are most susceptible to illness when we're juggling too much and become overextended; we become physically and emotionally vulnerable and prone to catching whatever is around us. Cleverly, your body's way of putting you into neutral is to get ill to gain your equilibrium. So often our minds override our reason when overtired and we forget how finely tuned the body is? Therefore, it is essential to listen to your body and learn how to keep it strong and replenish your energy through rest, self-care and most of all kindness.
Protect Bath and Body oil is made specifically to shield and fortify your immune system. It can be used as a bath oil or directly on the chest, anywhere you feel needs bolstering. Made with potent essential oils of Lemon Myrtle, Thyme, Ginger, Peppermint and Lavender, to mention a few ingredients each a powerful element in a complex weave of essential oils strengthening you from within to clear blocked noses and congestion.
We've had such lovely feedback from clients and how it helped them with COVID, when I created this formula I looked at every level that the body gets compromised and so it has oils to decongest, to fortify, to reduce fever, for fatigue, a daily bath in Protect will nourish your body and soul.
Another note from me, Suzanne - the Therapie Comfort Warming Rub is also a stunner! A grounding and healing salve, packed with macerated herbal oils (created using ancient apothecary techniques) it works on pain or blockages to ease and clear congestion and inflammation. This hard - working clever salve is made from aromatherapy oils, delivered in a gel - like form. On contact with skin, the turmeric, ginger and turpentine essences create an instantly warming and comforting effect.
Listen to Michelle here....