2. When you are feeling recharged, step back and ask yourself, are my feelings of worry evolving from internal or external aspects of my life? What lifestyle changes can I make to help stave off my ruminations? What can I do to resolve the ruminations of things I can do something about?
3. Broaden your focus and attention. As you review your own life harvest, keep a wide lens and do not hold on tightly to things, even those things that seem good. This is the season when it’s very easy for things to dry up.
4. Deal with sadness and grief by doing regular moderate exercise, just enough to move through any negative energy, replacing it with more positive, clean and higher vibes. Be aware of wanting too much of a good thing. When energy declines and we’re still slightly high from Summer's soaring energy, the contrast to Autumn's lower, slower energy can make us feel down so we seek pleasure, hunting it wherever we can get it.
5. Be aware of excessive feel-good compulsions such as overheating, drinking too much alcohol and spending too much money. When it comes to overload... ask yourself, am I too inundated with information that I can’t focus on all of it? What do I have in my toolbox to turn these conditions and emotions around? How can I quiet these people or tools? Do I need anything else to help me deal with these problems? Try to replace your post work glass of wine with an alternative. I’m currently loving Mahala Botanical’s non-alcoholic version my favourite cocktail, The Mahala Mule. Fill a heavy tumbler with ice and take 1 x 50ml measure of Mahala Botanical Amber, add 150ml of Ginger beer and muddle in 15ml of freshly squeezed lime juice. Garnish with lime and a mint sprig. Voila! You’ll find a gorgeous sample in the purchase of your Autumn Discovery box.
6. Try these 'Autumn affirmations and promises to myself'...I will try to stop some of the chatter that goes on in my mind so that I can simply be in the here and now more. I will kindly, attentively become more aware of my thoughts and feelings and start to identify more negative thoughts and why they may be occurring.
7. I will notice the positive thoughts and feelings I experience and how and why they occur. I will use this information to discover how to shift from a negative to positive mindset.
8. I will try to eliminate negative language and be aware and eliminate putting people and situations down in any way. I will start to identify anything that makes me feel sad, depressed or bad about myself. I will reflect on the internal and external tools and support systems I have that can work to reverse my feelings of sadness, depression or low mood.
9. I will make a conscious effort to do something kind without expectation of return with a sense of unconditional love. I will regularly empty my cup and I will make way for the new. Come what may, I will dance often and allow happiness to course through my body. Even if that takes me dancing on my own in the kitchen (to the Onolla Playlist) I WILL DANCE!